The Nightmare Before Christmas: Tim Burton's Spooky Delight
As it is nearing the end of October, I feel it appropriate to discuss a Halloween classic. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a stop motion animated movie from 1993. Directed by Henry Selick and produced by Tim Burton. Their wonderfully eerie style emanates from the screen. The film follows Jack Skellington the ‘Pumpkin King’ of Halloween Town. We find that Jack has become jaded with Halloween, sick of doing the same thing every year. While wandering through the woods Jack finds a tree with a door on it. After entering, he finds himself enamoured within a world of Christmas Joy. Jack gleefully tells the townsfolk all about Christmas. Eventually Jack and the Halloween Town residents decide to take Santa’s place and deliver their own spooky version of Christmas which ends up failing hilariously. I love this movie, it’s such a pleasure to put on every year between October and December. The film is full of iconic character designs such as Oogie Boogie and Jack ...